Raw Cream - 32oz, Glass Jar - A/2 A/2 100% GRASS-FED

Raw Cream - 32oz, Glass Jar - A/2 A/2 100% GRASS-FED

1 Quart, A/2 A/2100% GRASS-FED Local Raw Cream

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This LOCAL, family operated small dairy farm operates under a Pet Food License since the Florida Department of Agriculture  permits RAW milk sales labeled “for animal consumption only”.

Their cows are out on the pasture all the time except twice a day when they come to the barn to be milked. While being milked they are given Organic Alfalfa hay. The milk is pumped into our stainless steel bulk tank where it is immediately cooled to 35* F. and then bottled for fluid milk sales. All of their fluid milk is sold RAW; no pasteurizing, homogenizing, or any other processing. This whole milk is bottled just as it comes from the cow, nothing added, nothing removed!